the body

*BODY                              PGRN5 (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))
初洋書!初めてなので、ずーっと観てみたかった映画ので、薄いやつを選びました。「THE BODY(スタンド・バイ・ミー)」スティーブン・キング著。レベル6中の5だったので、2日間で読み終わりました。分からない単語は4,5個出てきましたが、調べないで読みました。雰囲気で推測します。(調べるのがめんどくさかっただけ)
"He was dead,completely dead. He wasn't going to go out with his friends in the spring to collect bottles uncovered by the departing snow. He wasn't going to get into fights in the playground. He wasn't going to pull a single girl's hair. He was everything like wasn't,can't,don't,shouldn't,wouldn't,couldn't. He was one big not. He was dead. I could go on all day and not explain the distance between his bare feet on the ground and his dirty shoes hanging on the bush. It was about three feet,it was millions and millions of miles. He was disconnected from his shoes and there was no hope of reconnection. He was dead.
