
Grissom "It's sad,isn't it,Doc? Guys like us,couple of middle-aged men of allowed their work to consume their lives. The only time we touch other people is one we're wearing latex gloves. Then we wake up one day and realize for fifty years we don't really lived at all. But then all the sudden,we get a second chance. Somebody young and beautiful shows up;somebody we can care about. She offers us a new life with her. But we have a big decision to make,right? Because we have to risk everything we've worked for in order to have her. I couldn't do it. But you did. You risked all. And she showed you a wonderful life,didn't she? But then she took it away and gave it to somebody else. And you were lost. So you took her life. You killed them both. And now you have nothing."
Doctor "I'm still here."
Grissom "Are you?"